Do you have the courage to be disliked?

I must confess I've been stuck on a book for a month as it is really making me think about the choices I have made in life, or you can say that I'm not that into reading anymore, which I was in the year 2021.

The book  I'm currently reading is  "The Courage to Be Disliked", a self-help book that Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga wrote. The book is based on the ideas of Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist. It is designed to help readers understand and apply Adler's theory of individual psychology to their own lives.

In the book, Kishimi and Koga argue that people are often held back in life by a fear of rejection and a desire to be liked by others. According to Adler's theory, this fear is often rooted in feelings of inferiority, which can be overcome through the development of a strong sense of purpose and a belief in oneself. The book offers practical advice for how readers can become more confident and self-assured and teach them how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life despite the challenges and obstacles they may face.

So what exactly is Adlerian theory?

Adlerian psychology emphasizes the importance of individual's subjective perceptions and interpretations of their experiences, goals, and motivations. It also emphasizes the role of social connectedness and the influence of early childhood experiences on personality development.

Adlerian psychology views people as active and creative agents who strive to overcome challenges and reach their goals. It emphasizes the importance of social interest and belonging in healthy psychological functioning. Adlerian psychology also emphasizes the role of individual responsibility and the need for people to take ownership of their lives and choices.

In therapy, Adlerian psychology focuses on helping individuals understand and change their perceptions and behaviours in order to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. It uses techniques such as insight-oriented therapy, encouragement, and reframing to help individuals understand and modify their behaviour. Adlerian psychology has been influential in developing many other psychological theories and approaches, and it is still widely used in therapy and counselling.

Overall, "The Courage to Be Disliked" offers a philosophical and practical guide to living a more authentic and fulfilling life by developing the courage to stand up for one's beliefs and values and to build meaningful relationships with others.